In admin tool we can generate a new encryption key that will be used for storing and retrieving secrets.
Following are steps to generate a new encryption key from admin tool
Launch Admin tool
Click on Tools menu and choose Generate Encryption Key as shown in below screenshot
You will see the below new dialog for generating new key
In the dialog you have 3 options to generate new key, by choosing Plugin from the drop down
No Encryption: The secrets will be saved as it is
RSA : The secret will be saved using RSA Encryption
Custom: In Custom you can browser and choose any assembly that implements the Secret API interface i.e. IEncryptionKeyPlugin
The Selected Plugin will show the fully qualified name of the plugin
The Key Reference Key will be any value used by the plugin e.g for RSA Plugin its certificate serial number
The Encryption Key is a base 64 encode key, you can place a value or click Generate button to get the value . The Encryption needs to match the Encryption provider which is currently AES256 Crypto Provider
After providing all the values we need to press Save Encryption Key button, which will generate a new encryption key. All the existing secrets will be saved using the new key and in the future this key will be used as a primary encryption key for storing and retrieving secrets.
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