After downloading run PuttyGen and press the "Generate" button. Follow instructions provided by the wizard.
Once generation is completed, press the "Save public key" button to save your public key for later use on SFTP accounts. Link does not currently support ppk format private keys (Putty Private Key), so you have to convert the key to an OpenSSH format. Do this by clicking the "Conversions" menu item in the top bar and selecting "Export OpenSSH Key".
Once you have both keys you can setup the public on the SFTP server and use the private with Link. Remember, whenever certificate authentication is in play, it is always the initiating party that is using the private key.
Proxy Server Support
Supported from: 2.0.1
Supports proxy-types: HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5
Link Setup
A new script is required to be deployed: P:\Projects\Edi-Portal\Sql server scripts\TransportTypes\Sftp\UpdateTransportType_SFTP_ProxySettings.sql
Private key support (SSH authentication)
Supported from: 2.2.0
Proxy Server Support
Supported from: 2.2.0
The URI is build by name@server/folder
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