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Points to get clarified with new partners

  1. Clarify the following with the partner - first step:

    1. Contact persons (for clarifying data, setup and test - it might be different people for each task)

    2. Master data on items - It’s a good thing to use standards like GTIN (for items) and to clarify things as units (pieces, cartons etc.)

    3. Locations - Preferable GLN

    4. Send your catalogue of formats you support

    5. Send a guide with documentation and samples (Bizbrains consultants can help you make these if needed). See examples at the bottom of this page.

  2. Other things to clarify with the partner:

    1. Transport of documents (FTP, AS2…) + technical info about transport

    2. Document types and direction (E.g. orders in – order confirmation, delivery advice, invoice out)

    3. Frequency (e.g. at invoices, stock reports and price catalogues).

    4. Implementation process (setup and test - maybe agree on deadlines)

Documents useful at the onboarding process:

Inspiration cover letter (GB)

E-mail to customer regarding onboarding - English.docx

Inspiration cover letter (DK)

E-mail to customer regarding onboarding - Danish.docx

Partner Onboarding Questionnaire - Excel


Partner Onboarding Questionnaire - PDF


Examples of documentation:


OIOUBL (Inbound) Order Specification.docx

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