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Link URL's

In link your have some corresponding URL’s for accessing Link API and transport protocols like AS2, AS4, SOAP etc.

Theese are as follow:

Main Link page:

<Customername>-<Environment> E.g.

The main page has a API Url that looks like this:

<Customername>-<Environment> E.g.

And for this there is a list of sub urls:

  • /api/transport/as4 (e.g. )

    • Post to this address to send using AS4. If you do a get you will just get the message “Link AS4 endpoint” that confirms the host is running and the firewall is open to you

  • /api/transport/as2 (e.g. )

    • Post to this address to send using AS2. If you do a get you will just get the message “Link AS2 endpoint” that confirms the host is running and the firewall is open to you

  • /api/rest (e.g. )

    • Main url for API access. Get is not possible only post to correct operation as shown in the swagger

  • /api/transport/soap (e.g. )

    • Legacy SOAP endpoint that makes it possible to do transport of documents to/from Link using SOAP. A get will present the WSDL for the possible SOAP operations.

  • /api/swagger (e.g. )

    • A Get will present the different services available togetter with operation, sample and schema documentation. OBS you can switch between different services in the dropdown in the upper right corner:

  • /api/transport/inbox & /api/transport/outbox

    • Communicate using REST for sending documents to Inbox or getting document ready in status Outbox:

  • /api/httphandler

    • Custom http listeners configured for partner to submit documents using https. Could also be used for webhooks.

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