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Setup Azure AD for Link on-premise

To expose Link as an Azure AD enabled app the owner has to register Link in App Registrations. The owner is defined as the one who host the App. In other words for hosted customers Link must be registered in Bizbrains’s Azure AD. For on-premise customers Link must be registered in the customers Azure AD.

Register Link as app

Go to App registrations and fill out the fields. Its important to select Multitenant even if this is an on-premise customer. This is to prepare for Bizbrains support.
Enter the login url for the customer Link installation in the Redirect URI field.

Create a client secret

Next we have to create a new client secret for the app. Go to Clients & secrets → New client secret. When the secret is created copy/paste the secret value (we will use it later on). It will only be visible directly after creation.


Assign permissions

Link require some specific permissions in order to retrive user information from the customer Azure AD. Go to API Permissions → Add a permission to add the shown permissions below.


Update Link to use the app for Azure AD Authentication

For Link to be able to use the newly registered app, it needs two values:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

Client secret is the one we created earlier, and the Client ID can be found on the Overview page

Application ID found on Overview page for the App


Client ID and Client Secred inserted in Link


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