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Bizbrains Policy - ESG

Environmental, Social, and Governance Commitment for Bizbrains

At Bizbrains, we are committed to operating our business in a manner that incorporates environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and strong governance practices. We strive to make a positive impact on society and the environment while upholding the highest standards of ethics and transparency.

Our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy outlines our commitment to these principles and provides a framework for our actions and decision-making.


Bizbrains has opted for a single policy that encompasses environmental, social, and governance considerations. This unified approach demonstrates our holistic commitment to sustainable business practices and responsible corporate citizenship.

This ESG policy serves as a guiding document for Bizbrains, outlining our dedication to incorporating environmental, social, and governance principles into our business operations. We strive to continuously improve our performance, monitor our impact, and contribute positively to the communities we serve.


The policy applies to all employees, functions, and units within the Bizbrains organization.


We view our ESG activities as a continued journey of improvement where we can strengthen our contributions and

improve our efforts, as well as strengthen our internal ESG management by creating an even stronger link between

strategy, objectives, and activities to ensure Bizbrains’s sustainable longevity in the future.

As part of our ESG initiative, Bizbrains and our business partners must as a minimum comply with national laws and


As an organization, Bizbrains aims to be:

  • A climate-conscious software company,

  • A diverse and unified working place,

  • An honest, transparent, trusted, and accountable software company.

We believe these three focuses will enable us to secure both sustainability and profitability to the benefit of our wider group of stakeholders.

In our ESG Policy, we focus on these areas within our sphere of influence.

Environmental Considerations

Bizbrains acknowledges the importance of environmental sustainability. Although our operations primarily rely on IT infrastructure with minimal direct environmental impact, we recognize the need to minimize energy consumption and promote responsible resource usage.

To this end, we commit to focus on:

  1. Designing and supporting policies, programs, and actions that allow us to reduce consumption, minimize waste and promote recycling and responsible disposal of materials when possible.

  2. Promoting energy efficiency in our operations, as well as our office facilities and IT operations

  3. Encouraging our employees to adopt sustainable practices, including working from home days to reduce commuting.

  4. Considering environmental and climate factors in vendor selection

  5. Use environmentally friendly products and services whenever reasonable.


At Bizbrains, we aim to make a positive impact and be a responsible member of society. Our workplace must provide inclusivity, diversity, and unity, and we fully support and respect internationally recognized labor rights.

We are committed to promoting social responsibility and fairness in all our activities.

To this end, we will:

  1. Maintain a diverse and inclusive workforce and work to eliminate discrimination in all forms.

  2. Respect the human rights of our employees, customers, and suppliers.

  3. Focus our efforts on creating and promoting an organizational culture where we trust, respect, and value each other as peers and team members.

  4. Promote employee health and safety and provide a safe and healthy work environment.

  5. Strive to develop and grow Bizbrains over time to provide an increasing number of attractive jobs.


At Bizbrains, we understand that strong governance is vital for the long-term success and sustainability of our organization.

We are committed to upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our operations. Our governance practices promote effective decision-making, responsible management of risks, and protection of stakeholders' interests.

While not bound by any specific corporate governance framework, Bizbrains adheres to principles consistent with the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.

We recognize the importance of financial sustainability as a key component of good governance. We strive to maintain a strong financial position and allocate resources efficiently to support our long-term growth, while considering the impact on the environment and society.

To support this, we will:

  1. Adhere to high ethical standards and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

  2. Maintain transparency in our operations and communicate regularly with our stakeholders.

  3. Implement measures to ensure effective oversight and accountability measures are in place.

  4. Foster a culture of integrity and accountability throughout our organization.

Monitoring and control

This Policy has been adopted by Bizbrains’s Board of Directors on XX May 2023 and adherence to the principles will

be monitored at regular intervals. The Executive Management will continue to review and update the ESG policy to

ensure that it remains relevant and effective and that we meet our obligations to our customers, partners,

employees, and stakeholders while promoting transparency and accountability in all our activities.

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