How to configure private key for the partner-certificates?
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If you have a newly installed Link and you want to upload a certificate on a partner for the first time, you may meeting this message:
No private key has been set for the partner-certificates. Use the EdiPortal Administration Tool to generate a private key and save it in the EdiPortal Configuration.
Generate private key
Start Link Administration and go to BizTalk Settings.
Comment: The menu name 'BizTalk Settings' is a misleading name. It should Link Settings, because the settings is also about Link settings and not only about Biztalk.
Set the Key PartnerCertificatePrivateKey
You can read about PartnerCertificatePrivateKey here:
Look for PartnerCertificatePrivateKey in the Key column. I you don't find PartnerCertificatePrivateKey, insert it at the bottom.
Put in the generated private key under the correct environment:
Recycle app pool
AS4 versus AS2
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AS4 has a SOAP header for all metadata, so that very powerful.
AS2 has only the http header.
Security: A man-in-the-middle attack
AS4 using SSL/TLS https. (transport security)
AS2 encrypt the payload
Certificate Store
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Problem: Certificates with private keys keep prompting for password
Solution: This might be a secutiry issue with the user running the app-pool of the web-site. See the browsers developer tool for more info about the error (hit F12 and check the network activity).
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