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File Transport Type

File Transport Type

If you choose the File location type, these will be your options:

In short, the file transport type simply sends the message to a hard drive on the local network in the folder specified in the configuration options. 

File Configuration

File Path

The full path to a regular file folder on your network.


If the process that is running your Link does not have access to the specified folder, you can enter the username and password of a user who has the necessary privileges. Click 'Show' to reveal the password – if the user is set up for this.

Write to temp. file

Check this if you want Link to first create a temporary file and then rename it after creation is complete.

Copy mode

Here you have four options:

  • None: No action is taken.
  • Append to existing file: If a file with the same filename exists, append content to that file.
  • Create new file: A new file will always be created.
  • Overwrite existing file: If a file with the same filename exists, overwrite it.

Note that fields marked with * are required.

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