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Release Notes for Link 2.2

Content on this page:

Release Note 

New Feature
Information for customer
Renaming the Delete Button and Edit Table Button on conversion-table-tab
SFTP Send port now configurable as a static port
SFTP receive-adapter now supports SSH key authentication and proxy server
Several Doublet Type Check - It is now possible to choose several Doublet Type Check on a Distribution
Several Doublet Type Check - UI - Show "original" document in Tracking
Monitor item trigger can now send mails to CC and BCC
Select all rows in a Grids
Better error handling when resending documents
Supporting AS4

Information for internal 
New permission for Direct document search 
Remove Document Archive from Link UI 
Script Tool Enhancements 
Include database-project for ExceptionDB in the installer 
Clean Install should not create the Link Tools database structure with legacy script 
User guide for flowtest 
EP? - PGP Component - use additional backup files 
Include database-project for backup-files in the installer 
EP? - AdminTool add new field, DaysToKeepAdditionalFIles, to New Document Type I Admintool 
Remove doublet check type from DocumentConfig in Link Administration Tool 
FEATURE - 2.0.4 - Installer prereq. ENTSSO-service 
Partner FTP shows files by using Renci, instead of checking access 
New configuration-key: Distribution_Advanced 
AS4 location Message Properties: AS4 - Message 
AS4 - Administration tool: Creating new Dataowner with Transport Type AS4 

Release Note

This release note will be used for different purposes:
A news-mail to the customer can base its information on this document.
An Update of the User Guide and the Developer Guide, will be based on this document.

New Feature

Information for customer

This part of the Release Note can be used to a news-mail for the customer.

Renaming the Delete Button and Edit Table Button on conversion-table-tab(#249814471)

The Delete button, renamed to 'Delete Table'.
'Edit Structure' renamed to 'Edit Table Structure '.

SFTP Send port now configurable as a static port(#238531842)

The fields available as Transport Type fields in Link is now configurable directly on the send port, in case you wish to make a static port and not use it dynamically.

SFTP receive-adapter now supports SSH key authentication and proxy server(#228830004)

We now support public-key authentication for our own SFTP receive-adapter.
The proxy settings implemented on our send is now also implemented on our receive.

Several Doublet Type Check - It is now possible to choose several Doublet Type Check on a Distribution(#184986371)

In the GUI, when you choose Use doublet check, a list of possible duplicate check types appears and it is possible to check a number of types.
to see it in Link: Distributions->choose a Distribution->click Advanced

Several Doublet Type Check - UI - Show "original" document in Tracking(#230288631)

If a document fails because of a double check, it is now possible to navigate to the original document via a link in the UI.
The link is placed in the Tracking Search Details page in the error-info-box.
The link is only visible, if the document-id is resent in the new doublet-check-intersection table described in the parent task.

Monitor item trigger can now send mails to CC and BCC(#238501654)

It is now possible for the monitor to send mails to Cc and Bcc.

Select all rows in a Grids(#218111541)

when you do a search, like Tracking Search, the result can be more than one page of rows(paging).
If you then select all rows by clicking in the upper left corner, there will be two different behaviors, depending on how your profile is set up.
Selects records on current page – The records that you can see will be selected, and the rows on the other pages will not be selected.
Selects records on all pages - The records that you can see and the rows on the other pages that you don'tsee, will be selected.
to see it in Link: Settings-> My Profile

Better error handling when resending documents(#218243194)

When a message is resend and the Distribution for the message has been deleted, the massage will fail with an error-code.
Now there is a new Error code for this type error, with the error-message Distribution is deleted for the document.

Supporting AS4

Link do now support the AS4 transport-protocol.
We have passed all the test that EU demands.


Information for internal

New permission for Direct document search

Almost everything in Link is controlled by Role-permissions, except for Direct document search
Before you should be superadmin, to be able to use Direct document search.
We have now created a new separate permission for Direct document search.
See it in Link: Settings->Roles

Remove Document Archive from Link UI

The Document Archive frontend implemented in Link is no longer needed.
We have removed the dependencies to Document Archive from the entire frontend.

Script Tool Enhancements

Following are the enhancements required in the database scripting tool.
We should be able to change the database, on which we want to run the script.
When we change the Ediportal Version in the text field, we should be able to see the latest available script number against that version.
We need to have a centralize database, where we can get the latest script version. This will help us in conflicts, when we are working on feature branches, so we always get the correct script version number.

Include database-project for ExceptionDB in the installer

The installer should install the new database project for ExceptionDB instead of doing it via the legacy script placed in P drive (P: \ Deployments \ _Releases_Link \ v2.0 \ Release documents \ Clean-Installation \ Scripts \ Create-Database \ 001_Create- EdiPortal -DBs.sql).
It must work in the same way as EdiPortal database project (with pre- and post-deploy scripts)

Clean Install should not create the Link Tools database structure with legacy script

Currently the clean install run a script present at P drive (P:\Deployments_Releases_Link\v2.0\Release documents\Clean-Installation\Scripts\Create-Database\001_Create-EdiPortal-DBs.sql) in order to create the Link Tools database, with some values. 
We should remove that database structure creation in a new database project and move the insert statements as a Post deploy in Link database deployment project.
Leave the create database-statements.
Remove all structure-statements. 
We need to move all the insert-statement to new the post-deployment.

User guide for flowtest

Document link:

PGP Component - use additional backup files

Save unencrypted InterchangeIn and InterchangeOut to Additional files.

Include database-project for backup-files in the installer

The installer should install the new database-project for backup-files instead of doing it via the admin-tool (or how it's done).
It must work the same way as EdiPortal database project (with pre- and post-deploy scripts)

AdminTool add new field, DaysToKeepAdditionalFIles, to New Document Type I Admintool

Remove doublet check type from DocumentConfig in Link Administration Tool

Now that doublet-check-type is no longer part of the document-config, in the administration-tool when creating new document-config.

FEATURE - 2.0.4 - Installer prereq. ENTSSO-service

If ENTSSO is disabled when installing the BizTalk package, the package will now start the ENTSSO-service

Partner FTP shows files by using Renci, instead of checking access

FTP Enhancements to Cerberus

New configuration-key: Distribution_Advanced

Shown in distribution details under advanced
New db Presentation.tConfigurationKeyUsages (Distribution_Advanced) (post-deploy script)

AS4 location Message Properties: AS4 - Message

On a AS4 Location, there is a number of Message Properties, AS4 – Service, AS4 Agreement, AS4 Action and so on. 
All these Message Properties, can be set on the Location. Message Properties are meta data, that is put in to the SOAP header of the AS4 message. 
We have added the Message Property, AS4 – MessageAS4 – Message is a part of the AS4 protocol. It is a string of key/value-set with ## as the separator.
Read more about Links AS4-location here:
To see it: Partner->Location->AS4

AS4 - Administration tool: Creating new Dataowner with Transport Type AS4

When creating a new Dataowner, it is now possible to create a AS4-Location.


  1. BUG - Wrong version shown in Link Administration Tool
  2. BUG - EP16 - Update password field in Certificate Plugin
  3. BUG - Not possible to save checkbox for Access Document on Data Groups
  4. BUG - Delete Distribution, doublet Interchange type save Error
  5. BUG - On the 'Absence Template Details' page, the button for a new absence template is titled "New Alert"
  6. BUG - Alerts - History keeps loading till timeout
  7. BUG – Administration Tool - DevExpress Trial
  8. BUG - EHF_Invoice_NONAT-UBL-T10_Schematron.xsl' exception: 'Decimal divide by zero'
  9. BUG - Monitoring Item Detail screen has 'Close' button written in Danish
  10. BUG - Could not find sender partner or any receiver partners from Edifact INVOIC
  11. BUG - 2.0.5 - Peppol validating
  12. BUG - Pre deployment script skipped on Clean Install
  13. BUG - Interchange numbers settings bug
  14. BUG - GS1.Common.Pipelines.EnrichCdmData.Snd_EnrichCdmData". Error details: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: name"
  15. BUG - Document resent on interchange level loses Originating Id
  16. BUG - 2.0.5 - Potential problem with resending messages processed by template distributions on message level
  17. BUG - 2.0.5 - Issue with creating partner identification duplicates
  18. BUG - Cannot create new Identification type in Link Administration
  19. BUG - DB 2.0 - Spelling correction
  20. BUG - Vi mangler stadig at få fixet link til dokumenter fra test tool i Link Administration
  21. BUG - Alarm admin can't be opened if distribution is deleted
  22. BUG - Link keeps logout user (using token-authentication)
  23. BUG - Issue with exporting bindings through EdiPortal Administration tool
  24. BUG - Promoted value is only present when resending from Interchange In backup.
  25. BUG - Expanding an alert in Admin overview makes the page freeze and unresponsive
  26. BUG - AS2 error fixed

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