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Release notes

Release date: October 26, 2023.

Release version: 3.0.8649.21584-hotfix-4

This hotfix was created to fix various bugs.

New features

  • None.

Fixed bugs:

  • EDIFACT handling:

    • UNB2_3 and UNB3_3 could not be overridden in assemble context properties

    • It was not possible to enter empty values in EDIFACT context-properties

  • When using async callback functionality, there was a too low file size limit

  • In some cases, batched documents could remain in status ‘Processing’ forever

Breaking changes

In this release, there are no breaking changes that would directly impact existing functionality or configurations.

However, we always recommend testing any custom-built artifacts with new releases prior to performing an upgrade.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.