This tab contains general information about the partner.
You can change general information about the partner using the fields described below by pressing the 'Edit' button.. When you are done editing remember to press the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page. Click 'Cancel' to undo your changes.
EdiPortal Id [1]
A Link specific Id. Note that the Edi Portal Id field is not editable as it is used internally by Link to uniquely identify the partner.
Partner Name [2]
The name of the partner is displayed here.
Partner Type [3]
The type of the partner can be changed here. Partners can be either internal or external. There is a clear distinction between internal andexternal partners. An internal partner is the company that owns the Link installation or a subdivision of it. External partners are the companies that are exchanging documents with the internal partner(s).
Accept Error Messages [4]
If you mark Accept Error Messages, then the error messages created by Error Handling will be routed to this partner. To make Error Handling create an error message for a Partner, you have to mark Notify stakeholder,Notify sender, or Notify receiver, in the setup of Error Handling. Read more about Error Notifications on the 'Error Handling' page.
Comment [5]
If you have any comments or notes about the partner, they can be written here.
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