This is the file mask that files found in the folder on the SFTP server will be matched against (e.g. "*.*", "Order*.xml", etc.).
Target folder
The relative path from the root of the SFTP server to the folder you want to fetch files from.
Command(s) before get
At present, only thecd(change directory) command is supported.
Some SFTP servers only allow access to the folder the user is currently at. In such a case you can use this field to indicate the folder instead of the normal Target folder field above. This field allows you to execute commands before fetching files.
Command(s) after get
At present, only thecd(change directory) command is supported.
Some SFTP servers remember the last folder the user navigated to, and puts the user in that folder upon login. If that is the case, this field can be used to navigate back out again before logging off, so polling always starts from the root.
Delete files after download
This field indicates whether files fetched from the server should be deleted from the server after being successfully saved to Link. Default value isTrue. If this is set toFalse, the same files will be imported into Link over and over again, since there is no record of which files have already been fetched.
There are very few scenarios where it makes sense not to delete the files once they have been fetched (e.g. a product catalog that is only fetched once a week, and the same file needs to be fetched by multiple receivers).
Connection settings
This is the root address of the SFTP server you want to connect to. It can be a DNS name or an IP address. Do not prefix this with "sftp://" - the adapter does that automatically.
The port number used to access this SFTP connection. Default is 22.
The user name used to access this SFTP connection.
The password used to access this SFTP connection.
Proxy connection settings
If the SFTP server in question is behind a proxy, these settings can be used to navigate to it.
Proxy host
The address of the proxy server.
Proxy port
The port number used to access the proxy server.
Proxy username
The user name used to access the proxy server.
Proxy password
The password used to access the proxy server.
Proxy Type
The type of proxy server. The SFTP framework used supports the following types:
Http 1.1
This transport type supports setting up a corresponding monitor item directly from this page.