Schemas to use for mappings
Link uses the XSD standard to define schema for input and output formats. XSD is a WWW standard and are used by many other integration platforms and standard organizations.
In case you EDI message is not XML, you can still use XSD.
We have support for at number of non-xml formats and also support you building your own disassemblers and assemblers to convert between xml and native format.
We support using Microsoft schemas which are available as open source xsd’s here:
We have schema repository available to share with all that has a Link Developer license.
We support building you own schemas to convert from and to CSV format. It is descirbed here:
Convert from xml to CSV format using Links CSV Assemble itinerary step: ItineraryStep - Csv
Convert from CSV to Xml using Links CSV initilaize step: InitializeStep - Csv
Support using Link Tradacom Initialize and assemble itinerary step.
Support out of the box with for converting from xml to json using Link JSON Assemble itinerary step: ItineraryStep - Json
or from JSON to XML using Links JSON Initilize step.