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User groups

User groups

A user group is the function group (work area, department) to which a user belongs. Remember, that a user can be a member of several User groups.

An off-the-shelf Link solution comes with a set of roles that can be assigned to application user groups. Each role has a set of privileges associated with it (read more in the Roles section). This way, you can control the functional permissions of a user.

Also, a user group can be associated with Data groups. This is used to control which data members of a User group are allowed to work with.

When selecting "User groups" from the menu, you will be shown Data grid containing existing Link users.

You can expand a row by clicking the arrow sign next to the User group name. In the screenshot below, we have expanded the "Viewer" User group.

From this screen, you can create a new Data group by clicking the "+" sign or you can edit an existing group by clicking "Edit" in the appropriate row.

Clicking "Delete" will delete the user group. Before deleting, you will be prompted to confirm your choice.

The create/edit-screen

From this screen, you can edit the name and description of your User group.

You can also associate or disassociate Data groups and Roles by clicking the corresponding fields.

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